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Indoctrination in Schools:  Why We Need to Change the Educational System


Children have been affected by the pandemic in many ways. From school closures to absenteeism, losing time in the classroom is only one example. However, as students struggle to make up for lost time, there is another problem we need to address. A growing concern is indoctrination in schools. Instead of focusing on education, schools are focusing on politics.


What Is Indoctrination-  And Why Is It Harmful?

Indoctrination is not simply teaching.  It is a manner of teaching in which students will simply accept whatever they are taught, without questioning whether it may be wrong.  


What Are Children Learning In Our Schools?  

When we look at the issues, it is easy to see our schoolchildren are being indoctrinated with a political agenda.  One example is gender identity.  Children are pressured to believe they are not "boys" or "girls," but that gender is a matter of personal choice.  They are even told they do not need to consistently be the same gender, but can change genders whenever they wish.  While this can be difficult enough for older students, consider how confusing it is to young children.  The littlest children instinctively know whether they are male or female, but they are pressured to believe this knowledge is not reality.


A second example of corruption Is the "anything goes" approach to sexuality.  From encouraging girls to look at all boys as potential predators, to encouraging early sexual experimentation, it can result in unnecessary fear and confusion at younger and younger ages.  


Moral relativism is another example of indoctrination in our nation's schools.  Unlike the standards and values older generations were taught, students are taught that right and wrong do not exist, that it is all a matter of personal interpretation.  Most parents would agree that these are not the values we want to communicate to our students.   


Why We Need To Stop Indoctrination In Our Schools ?

There are a number of reasons this problem must be addressed.  First, when parents send their children to school, it is reasonable to expect the children will receive a high-quality education.  As there is limited time in a school day, the focus on political agendas takes essential time away from core learning.  Children need to learn language, mathematics, science, history, art, and music.  When the school day is not devoted to these subjects, students will not be prepared for higher education or for their futures.  


Second, political agendas in the classroom take rights away from parents.  Parents are intended to be their children's first and main teachers.  This is especially true when it comes to values.  Children should learn values at home, within the family.  However, indoctrination causes a considerable amount of harm when students are taught their teachers, rather than their parents, are the authority figures in their lives.  When a parent's values conflict with political agendas, children are pressured to believe their parents are wrong.  When this occurs, it can undermine a parent's authority, and even damage a child's relationship with his or her parents.  


Third, indoctrinating schoolchildren with harmful agendas is not the way to produce solid citizens.  At its worst, indoctrination is a form of brainwashing.  When students are pressured to accept an agenda as fact, without question, they may never learn how to think for themselves.  We can learn from history how destructive it can be to follow authorities without questioning.  If we want our nation's students to become healthy, self-assured adults, we need to stop our schools from filling young minds with wrongful beliefs.  


What Can We Do?

It is time we turned our nation's schools back to common sense.  Part of this is to take parental objections seriously.  This must go further than removing harmful agendas from the classroom.  Parents must be granted the respect they deserve to raise their children with their own values.


A second part is to return our schools to their original purpose:  education.  Students do not benefit when they cannot spell, do simple math, or do not know basic facts of science and history.  When our schools emphasize academics and creative arts, our students can have the high-quality educations they need and deserve.  They will be prepared for college, and for their adult lives. 


It is helpful to speak out on these issues, but it is not enough.  We also need to make our votes count.  Whether you are a parent, or simply a concerned citizen, take the opportunity to vote in July's elections.  If we all do our part, we can have a new government that has the right priorities.  Change can occur when everyone does their part.  We can have a school system that truly benefits students, and all of our students will be ready for their futures.  


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